
With a commitment to restoring understanding and promoting peaceful resolutions, Hikma Mediation is your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of parenting and financial family law disputes.

Difficulty Resolving conflict?

Discover your Options

As experienced family lawyers, our mediators will seamlessly assist you to navigate with confidence, your family law disputes with a view to arriving at a final agreement in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Free 15-minute Consultation

Price: Free

You can book in to speak to our mediators over the phone to discuss your needs, mediation pathways available to you and how we can help.

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Intake Interview

Price: $440

Prior to the joint mediation/family dispute resolution session, each party will have a preliminary 1-hour intake interview with our mediators will assess whether your matter is suitable for mediation/FDR and how to proceed.

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Half Day Mediation

Price: $3,300

Our skilled mediators will tailor the mediation/family dispute resolution session to meet your specific needs for both property and parenting matters. We cater for a full range of family law clients including those in particularly difficult circumstances.

We offer:

  • Half day sessions
  • Shuttle (separate rooms) sessions (when requested)
  • Face-to-face
  • In-person sessions (at our rooms or a location of your choice)
  • Web conferencing options
  • With or without legal representation
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Full Day Mediation

Price: $6,600

Our skilled mediators will tailor the mediation/family dispute resolution session to meet your specific needs for both property and parenting matters. We cater for a full range of family law clients including those in particularly difficult circumstances.

We offer:

  • Full day sessions
  • Shuttle (separate rooms) sessions (when requested)
  • Face-to-face
  • In-person sessions (at our rooms or a location of your choice)
  • Web conferencing options
  • With or without legal representation
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Agreements & Certificates

If you reach an agreement at mediation/family dispute resolution, we can capture your agreement in a heads of agreement and parenting plans.
If you and your partner cannot reach an agreement at mediation, or one party does not turn up, we can offer a section 60I Certificate which you can take to your legal representative for the next step.

Mediation Services

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